Complying with new NDIS policies and processes


The NDIS Commission and its introduction of the Quality and Safety Framework has created a dilemma for service providers.  Especially those that registered prior to July 1 2018 who had relied on their old documentation and processes.

The skills, safeguards, processes and documentation required is now more rigorous and has added a level of complexity.  The language is even different.

So how extensive is this problem?

According to our data collected from providers this is the result of our Centro ASSIST Gap Check:

  • 60% of providers’ policies don’t cover the new regulations

  • Best coverage was 26%, worse was an 88% gap

  • On average 18 policies need to be rewritten or are new

  • It will take an average of 2 people 12 days. Approximately 192 hours of effort is required to write new audit-ready content

The specialist Module 3 is the most time-intensive as there is a gap of 50.5% in policies to comply with the QSF.

To make these changes where perhaps only 40% of your existing policies are still useable, is something providers have to plan for.  In NSW and South Australia, providers are getting their renewal letters and facing their first audits under the QSF.  If only 40% of their policies are compliant, then there is a mountain of work required by an internal resource, or a need to outsource this.

The Commission is demanding a much higher quality and safety standard which is welcome.  The cost of complying with the new NDIS rules is a hidden cost that providers need to absorb.

Do your policies and processes comply?  Have a free Gap Check with Centro ASSIST.


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Teresa DaoCompliance