3 ways to stay up-to-date with the COVID crisis


Tips | 3 minute read

3 ways to stay up-to-date with the COVID crisis

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As a disability service provider, you might feel that it is hard to keep up with all the COVID-19 rules and guidelines being put into place.

This blog provides 3 tips for making sure that your organisation is up-to-date with the latest COVID-19 advice including a compilation of helpful links you can use to retrieve further relevant information.

1. Monitor government advice

Cases of COVID-19 can become prevalent in any area and new restrictions can be put into place at any time. Conversely, as COVID-19 case numbers drop, various restrictions will begin to ease. This means that it is important to monitor government advice issued on a local, state and federal level.

You can find some up-to-date government information listed below (these pages are frequently updated). To ensure you get the most recent information, it is recommended that you bookmark them and check back regularly:

All states









2. Provide information about the vaccine

All Australians have been encouraged to obtain the COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine is voluntary and both participants and disability support workers are eligible. More information about vaccination eligibility is available through the Vaccine Eligibility Checker.

Your responsibilities in relation to the vaccine rollout may vary depending on the size, scope and requirements of your organisation. Some of the key responsibilities you may have for rolling out the vaccine might include:

3. Have a pandemic management policy and plan

Your internal documentation around COVID-19 must be current. It is recommended that you review your pandemic management content more often than your usual document review cycle.

In particular, you must have a current pandemic management policy and plan. This will help to ensure that:

  • you are able to manage support as effectively as possible and reduce the risk of transmission

  • your workers can respond to day-to-day COVID-related challenges they may be facing, such as managing lockdowns or obtaining personal protective equipment (PPE)

  • you can ensure that your workers have received all relevant internal and external COVID-19 training

  • you can address any feedback or concerns you receive from participants in a timely manner.

Overall, having a current pandemic management policy and plan will help ensure that you will continue to provide the best possible outcomes for the people your support.

All Centro ASSIST products include a pandemic management policy and a template to help you create a pandemic management plan. Get in touch with us today to learn more about how Centro ASSIST can help your organisation.


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