Price Guide update for second COVID-19 wave

illustration of female worker with laptop

An updated NDIS Price Guide was released on 31 July. The update will help participants and providers meet current public health guidelines in NSW and VIC. Minister Stuart Robert announced the changes on 29 July.

There are a number of temporary arrangements now included in the updated Price Guide, effective 29 July 2020. We’ve included a summary of each of the changes below.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Participants and support workers in NSW and VIC will now be able to claim for PPE (including masks).

Participants can use their Core funds to buy PPE. They can only do so if they receive an average of at least one hour a day of face-to-face supports assisting with daily living. The PPE is for them to use when their disability worker is supporting them.

For support workers, there are now three new support items to claim for PPE. These are for delivering face-to-face supports assisting participants with daily living. Providers should not make more than one claim per participant per worker per day. Providers can only claim more if they provide evidence of the need.

For more information on PPE and purchasing PPE, check out the latest advice from the NDIS.

Cleaning Services in Victoria

If a participant in VIC has a support worker attending their home who later tests positive to COVID-19, then the participant will be able to access a one-off professional deep clean.

Supporting participants in Victoria required to self-isolate or quarantine

Participants in VIC required to quarantine or self-isolate will be able to access additional Assistance with Daily Living and Short Term Accommodation as needed.

Supported Independent Living supports in Victoria (SIL)

Participants living in SIL in VIC who must quarantine or self-isolate are eligible for:

-A one-off professional deep clean

-Additional Assistance with Daily Living and Short Term Accommodation as needed.

Participants who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 living in SIL (in VIC or any state) are also able to access these additional supports. This is until the participant is no longer infectious, which is generally up to 14 days. You can find more information on this in our Blog on the April COVID-19 Pricing Changes.

The Assistive Technology, Home Modifications and Consumables Code Guide have been updated to reflect these temporary arrangements. As always, providers and participants should discuss and agree on any pricing changes. Initially these arrangements were in place from 29 July until 30 September 2020. The Minister for the NDIS announced in October that these temporary measures would be extended. You can find out more about the extension of COVID-19 supports here.

If you need help keeping up-to-date with NDIS pricing changes, join us on Centro FREE. We consistently update NDIS pricing information for providers in an accessible, easy-to-understand format.

For more information on this Price Guide head to the NDIS website.