Additional conditions of registration now apply to providers delivering assistance with daily personal activities to participants who live alone. The NDIS Commission recently advised of these changes in a letter to participants. Here is a summary of what providers need to know about the new requirements.
Read MoreAt the NDS CEO’s virtual meeting in December, the NDS launched their State of the Disability Sector 2020 Report. The report includes findings from the eighth wave of the NDS’s Annual Market Survey. The University of New South Wales analysed the Survey results in partnership with NDS.
Read MoreOnce fully implemented, the system for worker screening in the NDIS will create a nationally consistent, portable system of clearances for those who work with people with disability. This article explains the arrangements that apply during transition to the new system and providers’ obligations under the NDIS Practice Standard for worker screening.
Read MoreBefore March 2020 I used to say that the role of CEO in the Australian disability sector would challenge the leadership skills of any CEO, regardless of their prior experience.
However, with the massive external shock presented by Covid-19, a difficult role became infinitely more complex across three connected domains.
Read MoreThe NDIS Price Guide and Support Catalogue were updated on 17 November. All the changes are effective 1 December 2020. We have put together a summary of what you need to know about the changes.
Read MoreThe NDIA has released the latest Quarterly Report. The report is a summary of the performance and operations of the NDIA. It covers the three months from 1 July to 30 September 2020.
Read MoreThe message is clear for disability service providers in Australia. Empower yourself with an organisational deep clean to find and fix a wealth of potentially hidden problems. This involves assessment and documentation of multiple processes, along with full reporting on all business operations - from the inside out.
Read MoreKnowing what and how to prepare for your audit can be confusing. This is something we are often asked about, by both registering and renewing NDIS providers.
To help you get ready, the team at SAI Global have shared 5 things you should prepare before the audit.
Read MoreThe NDIS Price Guide was updated on 22 October. There were no actual changes to prices, nor the addition or deletion of support items. The Price Guide was just updated with additional information. We have summarised the changes for you below.
Read MoreHaving the right scheduling approach can elevate or hinder a care provider. The right strategies can lead to less pain, better service delivery, and improve business outcomes. Karl breaks down his top 5 strategies for pain-free scheduling.
Read MoreThe NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission recently released their Activity Report for 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020. For this period, the Commission were operating in all states except for WA. They will start operating in WA from 1 December 2020.
Read MoreStarting a new business can be pretty daunting, especially when you consider that only a small percentage will remain operational after 3 years. People around you might be saying things like, it’s a risk, what if you fail, how will you make ends meet when you start?
Read MoreThis article is going to cover the ‘business’ aspects of Easy Read documentation from a provider’s perspective. Before we go there though, let's just cover the compliance requirements. It's imperative to have communication to NDIS participants in language and modes they can understand.
Read MoreChoosing the best NDIS Management System for your organisation can be a daunting task, and can be very costly if the wrong choice is made. Choosing the right system is essential to allowing your business to grow, to deliver quality support to clients and to managing your costs.
Read MoreFirst Nations People are 5 times more likely to live with a disability then non-first nations people. This is a significant barrier for First Nations People, yet their voices and experiences are not adequately being heard in the Disability Royal Commission (DRC) according to the First People’s Disability Network Australia.
Read MoreResearchers from the Disability and Health unit at the University of Melbourne and UNSW Canberra conducted a survey of disability support workers about working during the pandemic. 357 disability support workers from around Australia completed the survey online between May and June 2020.
Read MoreWondering how to effectively attract new clients to your NDIS business? Jacquie Tewes, CEO of Nuturing your NDIS Business breaks down her 5 top tips.
Read MoreAn updated NDIS Price was released on 31 July. The update will help participants and providers meet current public health guidelines in NSW and VIC. Minister Stuart Robert announced the changes on 29 July. There are a number of temporary arrangements now included in the updated Price Guide, effective 29 July 2020.
Read MoreNDIS providers who choose to access the Temporary Transformation Payment (TTP) must take part in market Benchmarking. One of the options is for them to complete the TTP Benchmarking survey. The survey collects information on staffing numbers, costs and profits of support providers in the NDIS.
Read MoreKai Sinor, Senior lawyer at MPS law, explains 4 common compliance challenges that NDIS service providers experience.
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