Why your business needs attestation

Your policies and procedures are only as good as your staff’s ability understand and comply, and your ability to verify that they do. Implementing a trustworthy, repeatable, and automated way to track employee attestations provides a centralised source of truth for policy management and staff attestation.

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Centro MarketingTips
3 ways to stay up-to-date with the COVID crisis

As a disability service provider, you might feel that it is hard to keep up with all the COVID-19 rules and guidelines being put into place. This blog provides 3 tips for making sure that your organisation is up-to-date with the latest COVID-19 advice including a compilation of helpful links you can use to retrieve further relevant information.

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NDISCentro MarketingTips
Niches And Your Business

As a service provider, you must provide interpreting services to help participants to have meaningful conversations in a language they are comfortable using. This blog explains how you can arrange appropriate interpreting services for your participants.

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Centro MarketingTips
Price Guide COVID normal update

The NDIA have released a Price Guide Update, effective 1 March 2021. The update is a response to a review of the temporary measures put in place during COVID-19. The NDIA has considered what is required to safely deliver services and supports in a ‘COVID normal’ situation.’

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5 Advantages of hiring an autistic person

Employees are a company’s greatest asset, in fact, they are their competitive advantage. Therefore, it is easy to realise why companies in the technology, banking, government, and law enforcement sectors are seeing their hiring of autistic people as a strategic advantage to help them tap into skill sets highly sought after.

So what are the advantages an autistic individual can bring to an organisation?

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